Our Origin Story
Back on the spring/summer of 2017, the original official list, ran by Jordy & MMP (Murder Mystery Prestige) had shut down over a falling out between Nik and Jordy. Jordy had changed
all the values to "DUPED" and decided to start his own game, MMX (Murder Mystery X). Because of this, the MM2 Community was left without a viable value list. The top MM2 groups on Roblox (at the time) got together to form a new value list. These groups
included Neverland Pirates (NP), Heroic Hooligans (formly known as Murder Mystery Hooligans), MM2 Godly Trade (MM2GT), and Deadly Murderers. MGP (Monster Gaming Platform) was also apart of the original lineup, but quickly split off and eventually teamed
up with JD to start their own value list. NP had split into 2 groups, NP and Mass Murderers (both working with MM2Values) and we added xDEEP Inc to the team.
0n the 21st of October 2017, we started our first version of the value list. We used a free hosting service, and started the first non-spreadsheet, web-based, MM2 value list. This was just temporary while we got our hosting & domain name set up.
We officially launched MM2Values.com on Nov 17th 2017. We were met with a lot of criticism, and it was mostly just the groups involved who used the list. We had people who set out to take us down... Mass reporting the site as malicious to all the
anti-virus sites, trying to get us black listed, and more. But we didnt back down, and we did not give up. We proved our site was 100% safe to use, even got verified safe by a number of anti virus sites.
At the start, we averaged around 1k - 2k unique visits a day. Now we receive an average of 1.7 million users a month! Then as the 2018 Xmas Event grew closer, there was a debate within the MM2 Community Managers and Testers, on which list, MM2Values
or JD, should be used to determind the shards when salvaging certain godlys. The decision would also essentially decide which list would be labeled the "Official List", and we won, Becoming the NEW Official MM2 Value list!
Since we launched, we have brought the community unique tools to help with trading. One of which was the "Inventory Calculator", created by mfdubs. The Inv Calc allows you to calculate what your inventory is worth. We also brought you the "Trade Checker".
This tool is for beginner traders, showing totals, and a brief run down of the trade. We also created a list maker, making it easier to create lists of items wanted/for trade to post to social media. We also the "Quick Search" to help find specific values
fast, without having to search thru a list. As well as adding filtering options on the value pages.
Our Promise To You
We promise to do our very best in delivering non-biased values to you. In order to ensure you are getting the best, non-biased values. Unlike other lists, WE DO NOT allow any of our value list team members to sell or be involved in duping. Any member(s) caught selling
will be demoted or removed from our team completely, and will not have influence on values! Not only does it hurt the economy of the game, but we just do not support selling in any way. Our only motivation is bringing you, the community, the best values
mfdubs, Xarvex, and DJai are constantly working on new ideas and features. If you have an idea for a new feature or section, please contact one of us. We love hearing your suggestions, and we would love make the site more enjoyable and useful for all!
There are a few things that were suggested by you guys that are live on the site. Someone mentioned it would be cool if there was a way to easily make lists for social media, so we made it! You guys kept asking us to bring back Stability/Status data, so we did!
The graphs that are on every item detail popup was an idea by someone in game. Even the Inventory Calculator was created because someone said they wished there was an easier way to figure out their inventory's worth without writing it all down LOL.
Thank You
I, mfdubs, would like to thank the current and former staff of MM2Values. These wonderful humans are the backbone of our community. Helping those who seek it, managing the server, and so much more! Without them I would be lost. And altho so many have come
and gone over the years, we wouldn't be where we are without each and every one them! Some have even moved on to bigger and better things, such as SimplyALemon, who does UGC items on Roblox.
And finally, we would like to thank each and every one of our users, from the bottom of our hearts! When we started this, we never imagined it would reach the level of success it has. From having 1.7 million users, to having over 95K on our Discord Server,
it is simply amazing! The amount of support we have received over the years, and continue to receive is unreal! So, again, Thank you all and you guys rock! :)